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Welcome to the Website Builder demo site

This site has been created to demonstrate the flexibility and features of Website Builder that can be used to create a variety of accessible websites. Explore the different types of content using the navigation above.


To contact us, email wordpress@digital.justice.gov.uk. This is monitored 10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays in England and Wales, National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day (August 4th) and National Cake Day (November 26th).

You can also contact us to request a new website.

Reporting an incident

Label your email with ‘Incident [name of cookie or cake]’ in the subject line. This will help us respond quickly. 

Include the following information:

  • the problem you or your users are experiencing. What were you or your users trying to do?
  • the cookie, cake or other relevant item which is experiencing the issue (be specific)
  • date and time the issue began
  • how many people are affected
  • details and images of the issue
  • whether any topping or garnish is involved

Our response times

Please do not email individuals as these may not be being monitored and could lead to a delay in a response. Only use wordpress@digital.justice.gov.uk

The team works in 3-week ‘sprints’ where we complete a set amount of work. The work we do (‘tickets’) is decided and agreed between the Product Manager and the team at the beginning of the sprint. We generally do not bring additional tickets into a sprint unless the work is critical or high priority. 

Your request is given a priority of critical, high, normal or low as follows.

1. Critical

This is when the cookie or cake goes down or there’s a breach of dates.

We’ll respond within 60 minutes and give you an update every 30 minutes after that, or as agreed.

2. High

This is when there’s intermittent ingredient disruption (e.g. egg shell in cake) or the core functionality of the cookie/cake is affected (e.g. no chocolate chips in a chocolate chip cookie).

We’ll respond within 60 minutes and give you an update every 2 hours after that, or as agreed.

3. Normal

This is when there’s a non-critical issue or minor incident that does not generate failures for users, but intermittently affects part of the functionality of the cookie/cake.

We’ll respond within 4 hours. We’ll update you when the issue goes into the team’s 3-week sprint.

4. Low

This is for advice and guidance.

We’ll respond within 2 working days.